About Us

Our Story

Jun Yang is a professional expert (P.Geo) in reservoir modeling and skilled in Petrel, GOCAD, and SKUA. Through his 20+ years of experience in modeling and geology, Jun has gained a reputation for excellent advisory. 

Programing is his favorite hobby. He wrote several geological applications that let geoscientists have more tools to solve complex geological questions. SeisIn is seismic interpretation, attribute calculation, and a bridge that connects AI and Geoscience. ML2Seis is seismic horizon interpretation with Machine Learning. LogM is a convenient kit for log management.

What We Offer

SeisIn, ML2Seis supplie easy and flexible tools for Geoscientists. AI2Geo also provides experienced geological modeling and depth conversion services.

Machine Learning

External machine Learning algorithms are docked to SeisIn or ML2Seis. The state-of-the-art algorithms, BP, CNN, RNN, Lasso..., can be from Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.

3D Seismic Interpretation

SeisIn 3D auto interpretatrion improves seismic interpretation from line-line to piece-piece. Normal, revise faults, and multiple z value horizons can dealt with kinds of complex geological structures.

Attribute Calculation

Do not need advance programing skills, geoscientists can easily calculate seismic attributes, geobodies, horizons based on simple scripts.


Cleaning and managing petrophysical database. Renaming, merging, and deleting curves based on dictionary.

Geological modeling

Over 10+ years experience to build complex structure models, facies and geological properties models with Petrel, SKUA and GOCAD. Worked on multiple geomodeling projects.

Depth conversion

Building velocity model and converting any geophysical objects, including seismic dataset, microseismic, from time to depth. Experience in removing velocity anomalous.  

Our Expert Team

Currently, Jun is the only bee for honey. He would like to invite anyone who is interested in programming, geoscience, or Machine Learning algorithms to join us.

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​

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